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“JEO Smart Homes: Proudly New Zealand-owned and operated, At JEO Smarter Homes, we’re not just in the business of walls and roofs; we’re in the business of transformation. Our mission? To turn every home into a symphony of efficiency, comfort, and sustainability.

"JEO Smart Homes: Proudly New Zealand-owned and operated"

blue and red light digital wallpaper
blue and red light digital wallpaper

Win-Win for All: Our Carbon Emissions Metric

At JEO Energy Limited, we’re not just about business; we’re about making a positive impact on our planet. Our newly launched Carbon Emissions Metric is more than just a tool—it’s a catalyst for change. Here’s why you should be excited:

Our Approach
Empowering Sustainability, One Solution at a Time
1. The Carbon Emissions Metric:
A Game-Changer
  • What Is It? Our Carbon Emissions Metric isn’t your typical performance tracker. It’s a commission-based matrix designed to motivate our sales team. But it’s more than that—it’s our compass toward sustainability.

  • How It Works? We’ve linked rewards directly to the impact our solutions make. The more energy savings our customers achieve, the greater the reward. It’s a win for them and a win for the planet.

  • Why It Matters? By focusing on carbon reduction, we’re not just selling products; we’re shaping a greener future.

2. Encouraging Sustainable Goals
  • Our Rallying Cry: Sustainability isn’t a buzzword; it’s our mission. We encourage everyone—our team, our clients, and even our morning coffee—to set sustainable goals.

  • Why? Because every small step counts. Whether it’s turning off lights when not needed or optimizing home energy systems, these actions add up. We’re in this together.

3. The Triple Win
  • Customer Happiness: Imagine a cozy home where the lights adjust automatically, and the thermostat knows your comfort zone. That’s our goal. Happy customers, comfortable solutions.

  • Employee Satisfaction: Our team isn’t just punching the clock; they’re crafting solutions that matter. And when their extra mile translates into rewards, everyone wins.

  • Business Growth: As our projects multiply, so does our impact. More energy-efficient homes mean fewer carbon footprints. It’s a win for our business and the environment.

4. The Ultimate Goal: Carbon-Free Households
  • Picture This: Every household we touch becomes a hub of sustainability. Lower power bills, happier families, and a planet breathing easier.

  • Our North Star: A world where carbon-free households are the norm. It’s ambitious, but we’re up for the challenge.

Join Energy Optimization

1. Energy Audit:
Unveiling the Energy Story
  • Why Start Here? Our journey begins with an energy audit—a bit like peeling back the layers of a mystery. We meticulously examine your home’s energy consumption patterns, from the flicker of a light bulb to the hum of the HVAC system.

  • What We Discover: High-energy zones, sneaky inefficiencies, and hidden culprits. Maybe that old fridge in the garage is sipping more power than you realize. Or perhaps your insulation needs a little love. Our audit reveals it all.

Crafting Carbon-Free Homes

2. Analyzing Patterns:
The Sherlock Holmes Phase
  • Data Whisperers: Armed with audit data, we channel our inner Sherlock. We analyze usage patterns, scrutinize energy bills, and decipher cryptic graphs. Why? To spot trends and opportunities.

  • The Eureka Moments: Ah-ha! That midnight Netflix binge? It’s not just entertainment; it’s a carbon footprint. But fear not—we’re here to turn those “eureka” moments into actionable solutions.

3. Tailored Solutions:
Energy Efficiency Couture
  • Custom-Fit Upgrades: No cookie-cutter solutions here. We tailor upgrades to your home’s unique needs. Is your roof sun-kissed? Let’s talk solar panels. Is your thermostat a bit old-school? Say hello to a smart, intuitive replacement.

  • The Tech Ensemble: We weave together energy-efficient systems: LED lighting, programmable thermostats, energy-smart appliances—the works. Your home becomes a symphony of efficiency.

4. Implementation:
The Green Makeover
  • Tool Belts On: Our crew—part engineers, part artists—gets to work. We install, tweak, and fine-tune. Solar panels ascend rooftops, insulation snuggles walls, and smart plugs wink into action.

  • The Butterfly Effect: Each change ripples through your home. Lights dim when you’re away, and the water heater whispers sweet nothings to your power bill

5. Long-Term Love:
Our Ongoing Relationship
  • Energy Marriage Counselors: We’re in it for the long haul. Our team monitors your systems, like attentive gardeners tending to delicate blooms. Maintenance? Check. Updates? Double-check.

  • Future-Proofing: As tech evolves, so do we. When quantum fusion reactors hit the market (okay, maybe not yet), we’ll be there, whispering, “Your home deserves this.”

6. The Ripple Effect:
Carbon-Free Homes, One at a Time
  • Your Impact: By reducing energy consumption, you’re not just trimming bills; you’re curbing emissions. Your home becomes a climate superhero.

  • Our Collective Mission: Imagine if every home joined the cause. A symphony of solar panels, efficient appliances, and happy polar bears.

Guided by

In our pursuit of sustainable living, we align ourselves with influential organizations such as the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (EECA) and the Auckland Council. Their guidelines shape our path, ensuring that each step we take adheres to global best practices and local initiatives. Additionally, we proudly announce our membership in the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP), further reinforcing our commitment to a greener future.

Trading Partners

we’ve forged partnerships with top-tier solution providers. These collaborations allow us to deliver the very best products and services to our valued customers. Whether it’s cutting-edge technology, reliable support, or innovative solutions, our commitment remains unwavering: excellence for our clients.

Energy Solutions

Transforming homes with cutting-edge technology for sustainable energy optimization.

a light that is on top of a table
a light that is on top of a table
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photo of three solar panels
photo of truss towers
photo of truss towers
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a black and white photo of a building