Get 50% Off Your Home Energy Assessment! Visit Us at Stand 759 at the Auckland Home Show 2024

Transform Your Home into a Smart Home with Ease

Are you ready to transform your existing home into a smart home?

Let’s make it happen together!

Comprehensive Energy Assessment


Energy Audit

The journey begins with a thorough energy audit. This step involves a detailed assessment of the current energy consumption patterns of the home. By identifying areas of high energy use and potential inefficiencies, we gather crucial data that forms the foundation of our optimization plan. This audit helps us understand the unique energy needs and challenges of each home.

Tailored Smart Home Solutions


Analyzing Patterns and Identifying Viable Options

Next, we move to analyzing patterns and identifying viable options. Using the data collected during the audit, we analyze energy usage trends and pinpoint opportunities for improvement. This step involves exploring various energy-saving technologies and practices that can be implemented. We then develop a long-term plan that is scalable and adaptable to future advancements in energy technology.

Seamless Integration



With a solid plan in place, we proceed to the implementation phase. This involves installing energy-efficient systems and technologies tailored to the specific needs of the home. Whether it’s upgrading HVAC systems, optimizing lighting, or integrating smart home solutions, our goal is to ensure that every change contributes to reducing the home’s carbon footprint.

Long-Term Support


Long-Term Support

The final step in our approach is providing long-term support. We believe that achieving a sustainable, carbon-free home is an ongoing process. Our team offers continuous monitoring, maintenance, and support to ensure that the energy systems remain efficient and effective. We also provide updates and upgrades as new technologies emerge, ensuring that our clients’ homes stay at the forefront of energy efficiency.

Comprehensive Energy Assessment

At JEO Smarter Home, we offer a range of Energy Audit Services designed to optimize your home’s energy efficiency. Whether you need a thorough evaluation with advanced diagnostics, a detailed assessment with practical recommendations, or a basic check-up with DIY tips, our services cater to all types of homes and budgets. Our goal is to help you achieve long-term energy savings and enhance the comfort of your living space through smart home integration and expert guidance.

Advance Energy Audit Service

A comprehensive evaluation of your entire home using advanced diagnostic tools and a 7-day monitoring period. This service includes a detailed report with customized recommendations, implementation support, and smart home integration for optimal energy efficiency.

Standard Energy Audit Service

A comprehensive evaluation of your entire home using advanced diagnostic tools and a 7-day monitoring period. This service includes a detailed report with customized recommendations, implementation support, and smart home integration for optimal energy efficiency.

A general assessment focusing on easily identifiable inefficiencies, with a visual inspection and basic 7-day monitoring. This service provides a summary report with key findings, DIY tips, and basic advice on using smart home devices to save energy.

Basic Energy Audit Service

Large Homes: Homes with multiple rooms, extensive HVAC systems, and significant energy consumption.

Luxury Homes: High-end properties with advanced appliances and systems that require detailed analysis.

Smart Homes: Homes already equipped with smart devices that can benefit from further optimization.

Older Homes: Properties that may have outdated systems and insulation needing comprehensive assessment.

Recommended for

Medium-Sized Homes: Homes with moderate energy usage and standard HVAC systems.

Family Homes: Properties where energy efficiency can significantly impact utility bills.

Newer Homes: Recently built homes that need a standard check-up to ensure optimal energy use.

Rental Properties: Homes where owners want to ensure energy efficiency for tenants without extensive investment.

Small Homes: Compact homes with limited energy consumption and simpler systems.

Budget-Conscious Homeowners: Individuals looking to improve energy efficiency without major expenses.

First-Time Homeowners: New homeowners who want a basic understanding of their home’s energy use.

Vacation Homes: Properties that are not occupied year-round and need a basic energy efficiency check.

Recommended for

Recommended for


Tailored Smart Home Solutions

At JEO Energy Limited, we offer a range of tailored smart home solutions designed to optimize energy efficiency and enhance comfort. Here’s how we can transform your home:


Home Automation

Our intelligent heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems adapt to your lifestyle, ensuring optimal temperature control and energy savings.

Smart HVAC Systems

Integrate smart home technologies to automate lighting, security, and climate control, providing convenience and reducing energy consumption.

Efficient Lighting: Replace traditional bulbs with LED lighting solutions that use less energy and last longer, reducing your electricity bills

Energy-Efficient Lighting
Smart Thermostats

Install smart thermostats that learn your preferences and adjust settings automatically to maintain comfort while saving energy.

Insulation and Air Sealing
Renewable Energy Integration

Improve your home’s insulation and seal air leaks to maintain a consistent indoor temperature and reduce heating and cooling costs.

Explore options for incorporating renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to further reduce your carbon footprint and energy costs..

Water Heating Solutions

Upgrade to energy-efficient water heaters that provide hot water on demand while using less energy.

Use our advanced monitoring systems to track your energy usage in real-time, allowing for informed decisions and continuous optimization.

Comprehensive Energy Management

Seamless Integrations

At JEO Energy Limited, our seamless integrations allow customers to continuously improve their energy systems while receiving ongoing support. Our dedicated team ensures that your smart home technologies are always optimized, providing you with:


Continuous Support

Our integrations ensure that your systems work together harmoniously, improving overall efficiency and performance.

Enhanced System Performance

We provide ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues and keep your systems running smoothly.

Our team makes necessary adjustments to your automation settings to ensure optimal energy usage.

Proactive Adjustments
Project Management

Install s From installations to upgrades, we manage all projects to ensure timely and quality execution.

ERP Access

Gain insights into your energy usage, billing, and service history through our ERP system, helping you make informed decisions.

Long-Term Support for Sustained Efficiency

Our commitment to long-term support ensures that your energy systems remain efficient and effective over time. Here’s how we achieve that:


24/7 Customer Support

Scheduled maintenance services to keep your systems in top condition.

Regular Maintenance

Access to our support team at any time for troubleshooting and assistance.

Stay updated with the latest technology and improvements to maintain optimal performance.

System Upgrades
Performance Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of your systems to detect and resolve issues proactively.

Customized Service Plans

Tailored service plans that include regular check-ups, system updates, and priority support.